Pay-for-result Merchandising
Complex approach to work in retail
Package offer
Efficiency evaluation formula of existing merchandising
Our services

Our approach to results in retail
Stock of goods optimization in retail outlet. Goods deficit prevention
POS-materials placement, advertising material presence control in retail outlets
Detailed reporting in specially developed program on regular base
Organization and control of shelf space on the basis of assortment matrix
Analysis of presented products of competitors
Our specialists
Provide and control all goods assortment presence on the shelves
Monitor goods rotation and expiration dates
Organize the correct goods layout according to accepted planograms
Accompany the product in promo activity period
Provide the possibility of shelf part expansion for the product
Our specialists are experienced professionals, which have all necessary preparation and education

Are you looking for a merchandiser job?

Roman Kramarenko
Dear friends, partners and potential clients. Welcome to our RSM company page.
Working in different spheres and business areas of Ukraine I made a conclusion that specialization and focus give us a new speeding and new business quality.
RSM company (Retail System Management), which is specialized on services in retail of Ukraine and include all mentioned aspects – specialization, focus and partnership.
Our work is directed on help to producers and distributors in promotion of their goods by means of retail. Individual approach in works fulfillment and customized analytics are our business card. Our reward payment can depend on our clients’ results.
With our help you can also check the existing state of affairs in your company by using our expert examination, experience and mistakes.
For more detailed information please contact us via phone number on our website.
RSM Service Coverage
More than 40 cities of Ukraine
More than 300 retail outlets of national and local chains
+380 (67) 236 52 50